What I'm Reading
"This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England."
- Richard II, William Shakespeare
"This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England."
- Richard II, William Shakespeare
This is an extraordinary book. First of all, it is a heavyweight, large format hardback, with a vivid, bright yellow cover that depicts an ancient map illustration on the front. Best read with the book on a desk as this really is weighty. It needs to be a big book as the many authentic maps are very detailed and some are quite difficult to decipher. Most are simply worth having a large format to truly take in the information they offer. The cities are varied, from Liverpool and Edinburgh, to classical cities such as Rome Athens and Babylon and modern places that are yet to be built. The images are original with many being very colourful displaying brilliant artwork. The text is informative, historically astute and significant. The introduction states 'The history of mankind is the history of the city' and explains that each of the maps (more than sixty) demonstrates 'a key moment in the development of urban life'. This is a fascinating theme that runs throughout and includes the influence of military locations, industry, trading, sacred places, agriculture and the effects of war. Some cities are no longer here, having failed to survive, like Babylon, others have reinvented themselves, like Beijing. Each chapter is titled as an indication of how the city evolved: 'A City Forged in Fire' (London, 1680, following the Great Fire), 'The End of the Enlightenment' (Berlin, 1773) and 'A Capital Deposed' (St Petersburg, 1753). A beautifully produced book, too, one that can be dipped into as there is a lot to take on, or simply to gaze at the intricate illustrations. However, the pull of this is such that you may well sit down to read and absorb all that is between the sturdy covers and not lift your head until it is all consumed. As I did. Fabulous book for anyone interested in history, civilisation, travel and maps, or simply finding an enjoyable way to expand your mind. Published by Collins on 26 September 2024.
Advance review copy supplied by the publisher. |
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Number of reviews available: 493.